Sharon Carter

Sharon Carter

“Thank you to you and your staff for our tournament awards. Once again the trophies and awards were gorgeous. I love what you did for the lifetime awards for the coaches. I assume Barb Salt is making sure the invoices are paid. The main order is ours and the honorary lifetime awards will be paid by the Volleyball Commission. This is my last year running the tournament, so I’d like to thank you for all your years of great service.”
Winners Circle Trophies
“Thank you to you and your staff for our tournament awards. Once again the trophies and awards were gorgeous. I love what you did for the lifetime awards for the coaches. I assume Barb Salt is making sure the invoices are paid. The main order is ours and the honorary lifetime awards will be paid by the Volleyball Commission. This is my last year running the tournament, so I’d like to thank you for all your years of great service.”
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